When the Impossible Appears In Life!
A few weeks ago I went to the movies with a friend to see "Alice Through The Looking Glass", which I honestly had no interest in seeing. My friend insisted that we see this movie with curiosity and interest on his mind. As we sat down I remember saying to myself, "I hope we're not in here all day", but it turns out I was really getting ready to sit down and get a well needed lesson. At the beginning of the movie you notice that the character Alice is a girl who has trained herself mentally and spiritually to BELIEVE that ANYTHING is possible without allowing fear to control her self-belief. She was the girl in town who did exactly what she wanted to do without letting the opinions of others (including her mother) dictate her actions. If she believed in something she fought for it with every fiber of her being. I have to be honest about not remembering all of the characters names, but I will most definitely let you know the inspiration and lesson that came from this movie.
At one point in the movie Alice goes back to Wonderland to help her friend Mad Hatter, which by the way is a funny looking character who is depressed and ready to die, because he's not able to be with his family. Alice no longer wants to see her friend (Hatter) depressed, and goes on a mission to travel back in time to prevent his family from being killed. Once again, Alice self-belief that anything is possible sets in as she tries to accomplish this mission. She tries to go back in time to help Hatters family, but later the character Time lets her know that the past can never be changed no matter what you do. The moment Time informed her that time can never be changed was an eye opener for me, because in that moment I realized even in my own life none of the mistakes I've made in my past can be erased. I've been guilty of wasting time trying to undo my past, and how I handled certain situations. Alice learns that Hatters older sister had become bitter over the years due to Hatters younger sister (Mirana) lying on her to their mother when they were kids. At the time this caused the mother to become upset with the older sister, and the older sister to feel as though Mirana didn't love her. The older sister wanted revenge due to her not forgiving her little sister and held her entire parents hostage. She destroyed the town and took over with her spiteful attitude. None of that seemed to bring her any happiness or peace. But the older sister felt that this would make her feel better and make her feel like she was being noticed. As you can see this only caused a lot of destruction and confusion amongst the family. But soon things would change with Alice help and self-belief. Without giving the entire story away for those of you who haven't seen it. Everyone at the end of the movie quickly learns something that even we as humans should apply to our own lives.
As the movie ended I started to feel as though it was meant for me to see this movie, and my friend was the one being used to push me to go. I started to realize no matter what has happened to me in my past I MUST forgive and move on. When we don't forgive it only makes room for bitterness, anger, sadness, tears, loneliness, and even health issues. We can't live our lives trying to get revenge on others who we feel have done us extremely dirty and left us feeling as though we didn't matter in that moment. Some of us have experienced abuse, bad relationships, and even being counted out by our own parents. As shameful as our past may be to us WE MUST FORGIVE EVERYONE!! God wants us to live a prosperous life with our hearts and minds open to receive a tremendous amount of blessings. The universe is waiting for you to let go of your past and speak forth the things that you want. Use your tragedies to help push you towards something GREATER!! Don't be like the older sister and live you life bitter. As you can see this was getting her absolutely no where in life. I've also learned that bitterness leads to loneliness. You become so mean that people don't even want to be around you. That's NOT the life that anyone wants to truly live......Have you ever met a bitter person who was considered a person that everyone loved to be around? I know I haven't.........no one. As you go through your day always remember that as long as you are breathing God can still use you for GREAT things in life. Everyone was sent here for a different reason, which means we all are going to go through different things. Your Life!!! Your Journey!!! Your Story!!
SN: Start your forgiveness journey TODAY!! Keep in mind that it's not going to be an easy path, but it is worth it.