Find Growth In Connecting
For decades society has always placed humans into groups that are suppose to define each individual within that group. These groups were created by individuals who felt that their way of living, being and doing were the way to happiness on earth. It's as if no one remembers that we're humans first before anything else. When a woman is carrying a child, she knows nothing except the fact that she's carrying a human being in her body. This should be an indication to all that we're humans first and everything else comes second. If this is in fact truth, then why do we consistently place ourselves in groups, as if we have nothing to share with others who may walk a different path in life?
Why would we all walk this planet together just to separate? Separation brings about unbalance within each individual because you're missing out on something that could help grow you. The only thing that keeps us separated are the thoughts in our mind, which lead us to believe unity is only experienced amongst a group of people, and not experienced amongst us as a collective on earth. Our thought tells us that others are wrong and somehow our way is correct; maybe I should just call that ego. We each have something to offer others who may differ from us, even if that someone does not hold the same space as us economically. We know that economics play a major role in the way we view one another.
Every story that has ever been shared has been told by another after or during their experience. Experiencing life is a story within itself that hold lessons, loss, love, confusion, heartbreak and even creativity. We all have to be able to learn from one another with the realization that each of us are one and share the common truth about being knocked down by life. Our longings in life are parallel to one another in the sense that we're trying to find our happiness, protect what's ours and remain strong as we overcome heartache. Physical features are also the downfall of our skewed perception of others and how offer us for our betterment on this earth.
Let us not forget that we can do more together than we do apart. Separatism has always been the thing that keeps from truly reaching our highest level of wisdom, understand and consciousness. The more we allow ourselves to become connected to others in our own way, the more we can experience ourselves through others and learn; then we can create more and grow.