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No Filter!

I was looking through my phone the other day at some old photos that I had taken some months ago. I came across one photo that I really liked, and then quickly remembered I posted this photo to social media using a filter. I started to look at both pictures, and really fell in love with the unfiltered picture. I actually loved the original version (look below) more than I did the filtered photo. After this experience it was clear to me that sometimes we don't like to show the world who we really are. I personally like using filters, because of the effects it can give one photo. But I do from time to time opt out of using the filtered photo for social media. Even after realizing all of this I was still left with the impression that sometimes we have a hard time being ourselves in front of others. We think that being the original us is not good enough, and if we attempt to show our true self people will no longer accept us. Most of us don't like the idea of not being accepted by others, especially those friends of ours that we love so much. Are you willing to pay the price just be accepted?

Most of you will not say, "Yes" out loud, but that's what you're thinking. Can you imagine walking into a room where everyone looks the same.....except you? Yep, that's what being the original you will feel like when your out in this world. Society has told us how we should carry ourselves, and if you go against what's considered the "norm", then you'll become an outcast. When you're being yourself and setting you're own trends, then you'll become the target. You will make others uncomfortable due to your uniqueness, and unwillingness to compromise who you truly are. Yes, we are all unique and created with a gift, but not all of us walk in our uniqueness. Some of us just rather follow the crowd and do what everyone else is doing, even if that makes us uncomfortable.

I can't tell you how many people I've met that have only done things just to fit in with others, but the worst part is they want to fit in with those who don't even care about them. Some of these people that we want to fit in with so bad could careless about us either way. If someone really cares about you, then you won't have to change who you are for them to want to hang around you. Don't get so caught up in trying to be accepted by people, because half of the people around you don't even truly accept themselves. They stand in front of others like you and pretend to love themselves, which they know deep down inside is far from the truth.

Today start working on breaking out of your shell and becoming who truly are. When you walk into a room don't think about what others think of you. Focus on what makes you happy, and brings you peace. Just think about how you're finally doing something new for yourself, and how being the BEST YOU could possibly open up to new opportunities that could be life changing. Do something different, but do it with confidence. Don't be afraid to reject things that you know are not good for you. Don't be afraid to become a target in this crazy world. YOU CAN DO IT!!! STAND OUT!! GO AGAINST THE SYSTEM!!!


The Inspiration & Advice given in these post are all opinion. Only apply what you feel is right to your life.
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