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Be Resilient

Life has a funny way of giving us sunny days consistently without any indication that a storm is near. We often get comfortable when things are going good, and we start to feel like nothing can go wrong......wrong! It's almost like when your driving down the highway and the sun is shining bright, and all of a sudden it starts pouring down raining. This is how I often think about life, and the tragic situations that come our way.

ALWAYS remember life will slap you in the face at some point......more than once. I believe one of the key things to staying positive and overcoming tragic situations is changing your mindset. I believe if we learn to conquer the mind, then we have a better chance at getting through things with a sound mind. Yes, this is easier said than done, but it is possible.......anything is possible. Remind yourself DAILY that whatever comes your way will not take you down mentally, spiritually, physically, or emotionally. YOU WILL BOUNCE BACK!! BECOME RESILIENT!! Everything you're going through is part of the divine plan that was placed over your life before you even entered your mother's womb. Trust the steps your taking, and know that you will over come this storm as you did your past storms.

Don't hit the breaks and stop......persevere with FAITH!! Trust that this storm was sent to build you and prepare you for the next level. You can't stay in that one spot forever and expect to grow without rain. Rain interrupts the sunny days allowing growth and prosperity to enter your life. You have to enjoy the sun, but don't forget to dance in the rain. Life has to have a balance, which means we need the good and the bad. So, remember it's not over just yet.


The Inspiration & Advice given in these post are all opinion. Only apply what you feel is right to your life.
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