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Experience Is a Good Teacher

Hey Ladies,

Right now I'm singing, "Experience is a good teacher".......Lol!! I'm not sure if any you know that line from Miki Howard's classic throwback song "Love Under New Management", but that line is what came to mind when I started thinking about the experience I had yesterday morning. This experience/confirmation opened my eyes to realize I've been slowing my own process down, which is something I've been battling with since I was younger. Maybe, just maybe, this is something we've all struggle with at some point in our lives. We don't do what we deep down inside know we're suppose to be doing. It's that deep gut feeling that's trying to lead you in the right direction, and we sometimes choose to ignore.

For some months now I've been trying to make some changes in my life all the way around. I can honestly say anyone who has even made an attempt to walk down "Change Rd" knows that it's not an easy road to travel. You really are experiencing a tug of war within yourself, because you're trying to put aside the "old you" to make room for the "new you", and it's a challenge. Along with challenging, it's been an exciting feeling to know that the new is falling into place.

For some months I've been wondering if I should add this "thing" to my life, and if it's really worth adding. Listen, I'm not the type to go bringing new things into my life if it doesn't add to my life in a positive way. I was at work yesterday and a customer began talking to me about this "thing", and how she added "it" to her life without realizing the life changing experience should would go through. I immediately thought about how I've been trying to figure out if doing the same was something I was suppose to be doing in my own life. I got excited deep inside, because I was getting the answer I'd been looking for.

I came home thinking about it all day, and wondering when I should start applying this thing to my life. But, I also had to be honest with myself about God giving me the answer I was looking for prior to meeting this customer. I walked around questioning the signs with doubt and a rebellious mindset, but I just wouldn't do what I knew was suppose to be done. I knew that I was suppose to add this thing to my life, and I was still asking God the same question as if I didn't already have the answer.

Why do we force God to give us a million signs before we take action? Why do we allow ourselves to fear, as if God won't provide us with everything that we need? I've learned from this experience that if God has called you to do something, then do it, with out fear, anxiety, or doubt. God will never tell you to do something without providing you with what you need. He knows what's ahead of you, and he needs you to go through to prepare you. Trust me. If you don't move, then you'll just be going in circles and things wont get better as they should. You could also be hindering yourself from going to the next level spiritually. So, MOVE!!! Don't sit there another waiting and pondering. TRUST HIM!! TRUST THE END RESULT!!


The Inspiration & Advice given in these post are all opinion. Only apply what you feel is right to your life.
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