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Find Another Ear

So, for the past couple of days I've been thinking abut how we should sometimes lend an ear to others when hard times appear. We've all experienced being in situations that have caused us to call on someone for help or for some relief. But, let's be honest, there are some people out here who like the attention, and use a listening ear to get sympathy from others. I've been in this kind of situation before, which has caused me to be extremely careful about lending my ear.

Don't get it twisted, we all are living this thing called life, which means at some point people will need your ear......I'm just saying be careful. I've had people who've had something negative to talk about every time I see them. It's like they only have drama going on, and they never take responsibility for ANYTHING negative that may take place in their life. I start to get the feeling that they only like drama, and only want an ear from others to get sympathy and attention. This does nothing but causes me to stay away from people like that. Some people out here will even go as far as to tell you their "issues", then walk around feeling like you're the one that's suppose to fix it for them. They don't care about your own issues you could be possibly dealing with, but it's all about them.

Some of us are constantly giving not only our ear to others, but our precious time and energy to people who wouldn't do the same for us. You've got to allow yourself to turn the other way if necessary. I don't believe in looking for anything in return whenever you're helping someone genuinely, but I don't believe in breaking my back for people who could careless about me, or what I'm doing for them. It's not your responsibility to fix EVERYBODY problems, so don't allow people to make you feel that way. Neither it is your responsibility to sit and listen to drama all day.

Each of us have to be responsible for our own life, especially as adults. When you don't take responsibility for your own actions in life, then I can almost guarantee you misery will become your new best friend. None of us can go through life expecting people to just sit and listen to you nag about unimportant things. You can't expect people to just sit around and listen to you nag about problems that you keep creating for yourself. THE DRAMA HAS GOT TO STOP!!!! Don't allow yourself to constantly sit around and soak up all that negative energy. Don't allow people to consume all your time talking about the negative lifestyle they choose to live. Give to people what you can, and leave the rest up to God and that individual.



The Inspiration & Advice given in these post are all opinion. Only apply what you feel is right to your life.
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