I know that most of you will immediately read this title, and begin to think that I'm about to write a post with the intent to remind others that, if you do wrong it will come back to you. Yes, this is extremely true, but karma doesn't just mean bad things coming back around to your enemy. Everyday that we wake up in the morning we are making decisions, and some of those decisions we make are unconsciously. These unconscious decisions are usually those everyday routines that we are taught to commit ourselves to in order to get through life.
Karma is strictly based on the decisions we make in life, whether the decisions be good or bad. Your own personal thoughts can turn into good karma for you, but don't get it twisted it can also turn into bad karma. EVERYTHING around you is energy that is being sent out into the universe, which is usually transferred back to you. As a child growing up in the church, they would always quote Galatians 6:7 (King James Version), which talks about reaping what you sow in life. I can't tell you how many times I would hear the church folks yell that scripture out, but whether you're a Christian or not, it still applies to us all.
I can honestly say that I've experienced my own share of bad karma and its wrath. In the past I've had my share of bad choices and mean moments. Now, I'm not an extremely mean person who lives life waking up everyday being hateful, but those times were due to my own insecurities. I've also experienced the good side of karma due to the good decisions I've made. I'm learning that my thoughts also shape my reality, and play a part in the experiences I go through in life, which is also part of karma. Whatever energy I'm putting out is what I get back.
Just like bad karma, good karma can catch up with you years down the road. You could be going through a period of experiencing a tremendous amount of good flowing your way with no understanding of whay it's happening. This to me is you going through a season of nothing but good. I believe we go through different seasons that sometimes offer us nothing but goodness. Never think that the good that you're doing is going unnoticed, because the universe gives us exactly what we give it. When you change so does the things you experience in life.
Remember to live a positive life and create positive thoughts.