Required Place and Moment
I was sitting in my dorm today after class, and thinking about how every step in life prepares you for the next level. Every experience you've encountered has been sent to you for preparation. We often ask God to take us to next level, but we never realize that next level will require us to go through some storms. We can't handle what's waiting for us on a higher level if God doesn't take time to prepare us. You are where you are for a reason--trust me.
We have to learn to become receptive to every situation life throws in our face. Every disappointment will be part of the story you share with the world about how your FAITH brought you through. The moment you asked God to strengthen your FAITH will be the moment he sends disappointment your way, which is sent to give you exactly what you asked for. Nothing in life can be strengthen without first going through the pain, which ultimately leads to your transformation in the end. Pain is necessary and required to get to the good.
Give EVERYTHING to God without doubting His plan and directions. You will one day look back on all that you've been through with gratitude. Everyday won't be a sunny day, but it will be a day for building and applying your FAITH. When you feel you have done all that you can do, hold your head up, walk with confidence and trust that God is working it all out for you. You're being built up into something greater than your own imagination can handle. You're BIGGER than what's being thrown at you at this moment, and no matter how bad it may seem, it's not big enough to break you.