Is It Really You That They Love?
Too often we find ourselves afraid to reveal our truth to the world. We mask our truth with people's perceptions of who we should be and create fictions ideas about ourselves to project onto others for their own comfort. Society has taught us to accepted the imaginary person without questioning the true person. Restrictions have been put on those who live their truth and aren't afraid to be different. Most people won't dare live their own truth out loud because it could mean being outside of the crowd.
Can you imagine being the ugly duckling in the crowd? Most of us wouldn't dare dream of being the ugly duckling because it's a scary thought for most. Being the ugly duckling doesn't necessarily mean you're ugly, but it simply means you're different from the rest. Society would call your out-of-the-box thinking or persona unattractive, but contrary to popular belief being exactly who you are is beautiful. Don't be afraid to stand alone and be who you are without fear. Love what you love and like what you like even if people don't understand it. Don't mask your truth with mythical characters that you've created for the comfort of others. Allow people to fall in love with you. You should never want people to love the fake you.