Pain Doesn't Cure Pain
If you're reading this post that means you're breathing, which means you've experienced some kind of pain in your life. You've had moments in your life where you've felt like the bad would take you out. Honestly, I don't believe God promised any of us just good days on our journey. Pain is part of life and can't be avoided. We need the bad as much as we need the good, which this is something I've stated in my previous blog posts.
Quote By: Unknown
I've had over 20 years of life experiences and I must say life can be a challenge, but the one thing I constantly see is broken people trying to put their own pieces back together by hurting others. Most feel that they can only find the strength they've been searching for in other people's pain. These are usually those who have given up on themselves after going through some kind of heartbreaking moment. Yes, moment because problems don't last always and their only here to build up
Life gives you what you give it, and there's no way around it. No matter what tries to break our spirit we have to be determined to send out positivity. Hurting others will only bring you more misery and unwanted pain. Pain will never cure pain--never. Trust that the uncomfortable positions you've been in will all workout for you in the end and you will reap good for your scars. We prevent good from walking through our front door by putting out negativity and inviting more pain. What you do to others has already been done to you...karma. So, learn to love in your own pain and find the strength you need in the good people around you. Don't let hurting others be an option.