Find the Glory
Let me start off by reminding you of the importance of your existence in life. You were not put here just for you gain. God needed you to come here, and make a difference in this life. Your story has purpose beyond your own understanding. Things don't always go your way, and sometimes you find yourself endlessly crying oceans of tears. You sometimes find yourself in the midst of confusion, heartache and pain. Know that the Infinite Power (God) is always by your side.
Your story has glory, which means it has God in the midst of it. Everything will one day make sense, and you will show others how far you've come. Negativity can never exist without positivity lingering around somewhere ready to make an appearance. Think about those people who walked out on you and left you wondering what you did wrong. Now you look back knowing that it was all for your protection and the Infinite Power had a plan all along for your life. Find the glory and hold on to that until the end.