Be Demanding
It's a sunny Sunday morning and something has prompted me to write. I'm not sure if it's the sun peeking through my blinds, or the birds chirping by my window. Whatever it is that has caused this breathtaking moment has me in a fulfilling mood. In this moment, I've come to the realization that obtaining what you want in life will require you to become a demanding individual, knowing exactly what it is you want and going after it--fearlessly.
Being demanding is not just telling people what you expect in life, but it's demanding things from yourself. How often do we demand ourselves to do something extraordinary in life? If we all answered this out loud, then the truth would come out. Yes, the truth. The truth about us is we only demand things from others, but we never demand these things from ourselves. This "self-entitled " attitude we carry around like some expensive purse, as if we're one of the select few people on this earth who should be given somethin without work. No one is obligated to give us anything, but we ourselves are obligated to get whatever it is we want and need.
We've been taught to demand love from others without giving love to ourselves first. They tell us as women that our partners are suppose to introduce us to the world, complete us and pick up our broken pieces, but this is all the way wrong in my book. Don't demand someone to give you unconditional love and you're not even willing to give it to yourself. Whatever we're looking for we must first demand that exact thing from ourselves before reaching externally for it.
This new belief I've incorporated into my thought pattern brings me peace. I have peace in knowing I don't have to depend on anyone to get what I need for myself. This is not to say we will never need help because we all know that's not true, but we should keep in mind that the universe will put anyone in our path to help us. Now, I don't want to make this post about receiving or getting help from others. So, let me stick to what this is really about....becoming a demanding person requires you to set unrealistic goals for yourself that's in line with your purpose, and pushing until they manifest. Demanding yourself do things differently would be a great starting point so that you get different results.