Discovering Your True Self
The day each of us entered into this from our mothers temple, we were being told who to be consciously and unconsciously. You entered this world pure and innocent not knowing what to do or who to be. Your parents took you home, began training you on who to be in this world and shaping you into who they believed would be a decent human being. When it comes down to what you do, how you do it and your belief; it all began with parents and those in our environment. Typically, when we are raised a certain way we take on those beliefs as being the only way of living, and anything outside of that is wrong. This way of thinking across the world has held us back from experiencing life to the fullest, and loving those who may view life through a different lens.
Change can often be viewed as something bad, but in reality change is good and effective for all of us. We all want to go places in life and grow as we try to reach for our destination. It's the very change that we are afraid of that needs to take place. The change we so quickly run from is the change that will lead us to another demension of peace, love and health. Spend time with yourself and figure out who it is you really want to be. Maybe you really don't believe in the religion that was given to you as a child, maybe you do prefer living in the city, or maybe the career you've chosen doesn't make you as happy as you thought. Find out who it is YOU want to be and go with that; even if your neighbor is uncomfortable. Actually, sometimes making others uncomfortable is good because it's an indication that you're walking to the beat of your own drum without anyone's permission.
Things You Can Do To Discover Yourself:
1. Communicate with people you usually don't interact with
2. Try a new hobby
3. Listen to different types of music
4. Ask questions when you want to know something
5. Create your own relationship with God
6. Try to break away from those unhealthy routines
7. Read self-help books
8. Write in a journal your sincere feelings and emotions
These are some helpful things that can help you on your path to self-discovery, self-love and self-peace. Don't limit yourself in the process of finding yourself. The moment you find yourself is the moment you find God. Finding the REAL you opens you up to being able to fulfill your purpose. The limitations created by humans have prevented us from connecting to the Infinite Power (God). This is not an easy task; it's well worth it in the end though. I can tell you that it's worth it because it's a path I'm on now, which has led me to some internal peace. For years I went around believing I had to be who everyone told me I should be without questioning anything; especially when it came down to religion. My family raised me as a Christian, and their was no questioning that--ever. My religion was one of the many things that was projected onto me without me having a say in what my internal thoughts were.
Yes, your self-discovery is a life long process because you will always grow in life. Once you allow yourself to take a step back from the limitations and beliefs that have been imposed onto you, then you will realize not everything you've been taught is beneficial. Those who surround you I'm sure have good intentions, but those intentions can be detrimental to our spiritual growth and connection to God. We have the power to find our true self and manifest miracles in our life daily.