It's How You Said It
In my teenage years I had a little attitude on me at home, I thought I knew it all and my mom couldn't tell me anything because she was wrong. Often times I would verbally respond to things with an attitude or in a rude manner, which I never viewed as being wrong at the time. My momma would always tell me that it's they way I say things that makes what I said wrong. I would say things without taking into consideration the other person's feeling. We each have the right to express ourselves to others, and we also have the right to avoid expressing our true thoughts. I felt talking about this would be good, and it would help us to become more understanding of one another.
It's safe to say that we all have those moments when we say things that are harsh and painful, maybe not necessarily the words we use cause damage, but it's more so the attitude attached to the words spoken. Let us not forget that using the wrong tone with someone can rub an individual the wrong way, and cause them to feel some type of way. Every individual deserves respect, which means they want to be spoken to with some sense of importance. The 'I don't care' attitude can leave the other individual feeling as though you view them as being less than, and we can all agree that none of us want to feel this way.
As you go through life be sure to not only be careful with your words, but to attach the right tone to it as well; this will show others that you find them important and deserving of respect. Know that others are just as important as you and that you don't have the right speak to others with disrespect, especially us as women. Women have to learn to see each other as equals because we're the unique creatures God created to birth the world, which is an undeniable gift. We have to start speaking to one another as we would want other to speak to us. Start working on this at this moment.