They Love What You Hate
I believe it’s safe to say we all have had moments where we pick at ourselves because we don’t feel good enough. Those moments you always seem to focus on the one thing you hate the most about yourself. I use to hate my legs as a child, and I quickly went against my mother buying me shorts. This dissatisfaction with my legs formed when I was around thirteen (uggh teenage years lol). Honestly, I went years afraid to show my legs because I was afraid of what people would say if they looked at them.
The boys in school teased me about my legs and made it very difficult for me. I bought into the lie that my legs weren’t good enough. The truth has always been that my legs were perfect because that’s how I was created. Being created in God’s image and likeness makes you and I perfect. Yes, we make mistakes because we must grow in life, but we’re still perfect.
Now that I’m older, showing my legs and seeing life a little differently; I now realize people don’t find my legs to be hideous. Maybe their are some people who don’t find them attractive, but not everyone will find the things you like amazing. Just remember that the very thing you hate about you, may be the thing the world finds most attractive. Love all of you because you’re worth loving!!
Jas 💕👑